Toby’s Place is a drop-in after-school program and safer space for 2SLGBTQIA+ youth, questioning youth, and their allied friends, ages 13-20, living in Scarborough* and the Greater Toronto Area.
Toby’s Place hosts community dinners, workshops, clothing swaps,
gender-affirming haircut nights, and other events. We are open on Mondays, from 3:30pm to 8:30pm, September through July.
We are located on the basement level of 33 East Rd (near the corner of Warden Ave and Kingston Rd). The basement door is at the bottom of the ramp next to the main church entrance. The basement space is mobility aid accessible.
*traditional territories of Ho-de-no-sau-nee-ga (Haudenosaunee), Anishinabewaki ᐊᓂᔑᓈᐯᐗᑭ, Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, Mississauga, Mississaugas of the Scugog, and Wendake-Nionwentsïo peoples

Hang-out Space
Participants at Toby's Place can come to the program to hang out with their friends, do their homework, read quietly, or chat loudly. We have separate spaces for loud conversations and quiet activities. We have a living-room area with a couch and beanbag chairs, as well as a dining area with tables and chairs. While we do host workshops, folks at the program are not required to participate in workshops if they do not want to. Participants at Toby's Place have the "right to pass" on activities, and still be welcome in the space.

Toby's Place provides pre-packaged snacks for participants to eat while at the program, with gluten-free and nut-free options available. Commonly available snacks at Toby's Place include: granola bars, crackers, seaweed, fruit cups, chips, and cookies. Fruit juice and water are also available.

Gender-Affirming Haircuts
Every few months, Toby's Place hosts a Gender-Affirming Haircut Night. During Haircut Night, professional hairstylists come to the program to give free haircuts to participants who would like them. Haircut Nights at Toby's Place are first-come-first-served. For up-to-date info on when our next Gender-Affirming Haircut Night will be, check our Instagram (@tobys.place33).

Toby's Place hosts workshops and information sessions on a variety of topics. We host creative workshops (poetry, screen-printing, polymer-clay sculpting, crochet, etc), as well as practical skills workshops (cooking, self-care, basic sewing skills, AIDS prevention, etc). We've also hosted information sessions run by representatives from Service Canada, as well as the Toronto Public Library.

Every week at Toby's Place, we prepare and serve dinner on site. Vegetarian options and gluten-free options are always available. We try to accommodate other dietary restrictions as well, please email us at tobys.place33@gmail.com or text us at 647-915-2475 if you require accommodations.

Toby's Place has a collection of board games and jigsaw puzzles that participants can use during the program. We also have lots of arts and craft supplies. Participants often make bead bracelets, sketch, paint, and make collages during the program. We also have a library of books, zines, and comic books.

Clothing Swap
Rainbow Community Places has a 'Clothing Swap Area' where participants in both programs (Dorothy's Place and Toby's Place) can donate clothing they no longer use, and take clothing that they will use. We wash all clothing on-site before it goes on the racks.

Queer Body Equity Through Arts
In November and December of 2021, the Q.B.E.T.A. program at Toby’s Place hosted knowledge generating workshops that dealing with themes of body equity: Decolonization and the Body, Equity and the Body, Queering Mental Health, and Sex Positivity. Following each workshop, participants created screen printed artwork – as you flip through this booklet, we encourage you to ‘read’ these artworks as queer reflections, feelings, musings, and creative outlets to (at times) difficult or challenging topics. The booklet is organized to reflect these weekly themes with corresponding artwork created by the amazing artist participants.